Alexandra’s experience on crossing the Pacific

By Alex

Hello my fellow beings, this is Alex! And I’m going to tell you the amazing adventure I had as my crew and I sailed throughout the Pacific. Sit back, relax and imagine the ocean breeze blowing across your face, tickling your nose.


We started sailing at 1:00pm on the 10/9/2022. Say goodbye to the beautiful Galapagos islands. We brought up the anchor and raised the main sail up, and set sail to the Marquesas.


The next day we decided to raise the parasail Maui. But, we found a problem in the sail so we could not have used Parasail. We spent the rest of the day fixing the sails. I took videos and pictures of the scenery and the hardworking crew fixing our sails. It was a terrifying yet terrific moment of my life.


For a bunch of these days I with basically eating, playing games with Arabella, reading, fighting against Arabella, annoying people, doing watch, sleeping and helping.


It was cold doing watch, but one time when I was staying with Arabella during her watch, I saw a shark. And another time I saw a few turtles, sea birds, and dolphins!


I once had one of the most important jobs, I had to ease the sheets when we were dropping the parasail. I might have been a little late (that’s what Babi said, but I’m pretty sure that I did a perfecto job!), but it didn’t break again. It didn’t happen though, so I did an awesome job.


Playing board games and card games with the rest of my family was wonderful, I almost beat my dad in backgammon! Sadly, I did not get a double! Without that double I would lose, and I did not get it. Arabella and I made a chart of the games that we would play together. But I barely ever won against my sister, even when we were playing a game I created!


Have you ever cleaned a turtle’s tank that’s filled with his poop, on the back of a high speed moving boat, in the middle of THE PACIFIC!?! I think not. But Diego decided to poop 10 times a day! And because he was Naomi and my pet I had to go to the back of the boat. Not that I’m complaining to clean my dearest turtle’s home, I love him dearly. But WHY did he have to POOP all the time! Now as I am writing this post next to him, he is POOPING.


My favourite moment was when I found Uncle Alex’s secret stash of cigarettes and kept it out of his reach. Muahahahaaha! And now he is quitting smokes!


During the passage I usually felt Chill, Excited, Bored, and Engaged. All in all this was an awesome trip!!!


To pass time by, I would write my own book! It is called Titans rising, the book is about ancient Greek mythology in modern times!


Time goes by fast if you read. If you sit in a corner and curl up tight with a blanket and relax and focus on the book. You won’t hear a single word anybody says. I’ve done it. And before I even realized, I had read 10 books!


You may think that we are on a holiday, but we still have to do school. Everyday we would have to watch a Chinese video or write Chinese down on our books or read Chinese.


I hope you enjoyed my experience through the biggest ocean on earth. Our adventures have not stopped yet, we will still be travelling the glorious islands ahead of us. If you get sick of covid too, join us. Explore the places that you have dreamed of going to. It may be Turkey or The Galapagos or even Antarctica! Let your desires guide you around your home, the Earth. Don’t stay in a cramped house, when there are seven oceans yet to be discovered by you.




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