5 thoughts on “Bees”

  1. Dear Arabella

    Lovely Bee work!
    Yes, I could see a lot of work have gone into editing the videos. Which video editing app are you using?
    You are getting better and better with these video projects, love your detailed explanation. You are such a great little teacher

    Big hugs and kisses
    Auntie Elkie

  2. What an extremely interesting project Arabella!
    Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Did you know there is a species of bird called the Honeyguide that searches for hives and then leads people to those beehives in the African bush?
    They have a specific vocalisation or call and they fly up ahead leading the way until the hive I s reached.
    They do this for a small reward of some wax or bee larvae which they need as a very important part of their diet.
    Another interesting but potentially scary fact about bees is that the pheromones or signal they give off to the rest of the hive when they are in extreme danger is the same smell as nail varnish remover called acetone.
    This scent causes the worker bees to get very angry and immediately attack.
    There have been cases of ladies using nail polish remover when having a picnic in the countryside and suddenly being attacked by bees.
    We have catch-boxes ( which are like small hives ) where passing swarms can set up temporary homes until the beekeeper can come and remove them.
    While we need bees for pollinating our garden and orchard ( we have two resident hives in dead tree stumps for that ) the passing additional swarms that are looking for new homes can potentially move into our parrot nesting logs. This poses a dangerous risk to the birds because the bees start attacking them to take over the bird nest .
    We’ve unfortunately had this many times over the years and I’ve been stung so many times I’m now allergic to bee stings.
    The African bees are very much more aggressive than the European bees you had so much fun working with and we need to be extremely careful with these guys.
    There are so many more fascinating things about bees but that’s enough for today I think.
    Lots of love

  3. I’m impressed with your video editing skills, Arabella!
    Our friend is “hosting” bees for a local beekeeper. The next time we go visit her, I’ll know a lot more about the bees and hives and honey.
    xo Carolyn

  4. That is so well done Arabella, and so amusing. I am very impressed not only with all the information you gathered about bees, after your visit to the apiary, but also at your videoing and editing skills. You have been a very busy little bee.

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