Book Report by Alex

1. What book did you read? Who is the author?

I read the ILIAD and the ODYSSEY by Homer.  It was retold and illustrated by Marcia Williams.

  1. What’s it about?

The ILIAD tells the story of the war between Greeks and the Trojens. And the ODYSSEY talks about Odysseus way home.

  1. When and where did the story happen?

The ILIAD was in Troy which is in Turkey and it was happening in 1200 B.C.  The ODYSSEY was in the Aegean sea where we are sailing now.

  1. Who’s your favorite character? Why?

Odysseus is my favorite character cause he is very smart.

  1. Who is your least favorite character? Why?

My least favorite is Paris cause he basically caused the war by taking Helen away from King Menelaus.

  1. What’s your favorite scene?

The nobody scene is  about Odysseus who gave the one eyed giant a cup of wine so the one eyed giant drank it and asked who gave him the wine.  Odysseus said my name is nobody.  Then while the giant was drunk and sleeping, Odysseus poked the giant in his eye.  He screamed and cried and his neighbour’s came to help and asked who was killing him.  The giant said it is nobody, so his neighbours left.

  1. What do you think of the book?

It was scary and fun

  1. Would you recommend this book to others?

I would recommend this book for all ages.


5 thoughts on “Book Report by Alex”

  1. Hi Alex.
    I’m so pleased you have enjoyed the book and have such an understanding of it.
    And what an experience you are having sailing the same seas as Odysseus on his epic voyage home.
    See if you can persuade daddy to take the yacht to the island of Chios where Homer grew up.
    Love to you all. Can’t wait to hear more of your news. XXX

  2. So pleased both you girls are enjoying the ancient histories. I started studying them at school when I was your age and then went on to study Classics at university. They have really enriched my life and I’m sure the classics will enrich your lives as well.
    I was so hoping that we could all come together for my 70th birthday later this year, but Covid has put paid to that. And because of the distance between us all I am so enjoying these chats.
    Thanks girls.

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