6 thoughts on “Earths Math”

  1. Great post Arabella!

    You are such a natural and confident teacher, I love your very clear explanation and illustration on earth maths. I bet all kids would want to have a teacher like you!

    One little sentence you may want to add in the calculation of area to make it perfect will be…. “imagine if we cut the earth into two equal halves and look at the cross section area of the earth”, because you were telling us the calculation of a flat surface. When you think about earth’s area, it is actually a spherical space which requires a much more complicated formula to work out….and I look forward to learning with you in future.

    How long did it take you to plan, prepare content, to shoot video and do all the post-production editing? Did you enjoy the process?

    Great job! Can’t wait to see more and thank you for doing the videos so we know what you girls are up to.

    Lots of love
    Aunty Elkie

    1. yes, im so sorry about that. I forgot to add that in and mommy told me that also right when I finished editing it on iMovie.
      well it took me 10mins to find out how to film me writing everything then took me a few takes to get the right videos. afterwards, I went onto making an intro. then I started editing which took me the longest. in total I think I spent 1 1/2 hours doing it.

      Arabella xox
      Sorry for the late reply.

  2. Beautifully done, Arabella! You did a great job of explaining everything clearly and precisely.
    Here is a question: if you wanted to sail around the world in 80 days (around the circumference, assuming no land), how fast would you have to sail?
    xo Carolyn

    1. If we wanted to sail around the world in 80 days, we would have to travel 20.83 km per hour. we did 40,000 km divided by 80 days and then divided by 24 hours which equals our answer. since we are sailing, it would be 11.2 knots. thanks for the math challenge!

      xo Arabella

      ps. its blowing 35 knots outside now!

  3. Hi Arabella
    Awesome the way you explained the maths. Love your logic train and confidence with numbers. This is a huge gift and enjoy the magical experience.
    Take care

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