27 thoughts on “Ephesus – Ancient Ruins”


    Well maybe the first comment
    A great family, and great to get a last drink at the glorious HK Golf Club in Deep Water bay.
    As always safe travels, great excitement and have fun.
    What a great family
    Cheers Charles

  2. Hi Grant
    CWB was so quiet this weekend!
    Such a cool trip. Thanks for sharing the adventure.
    Take care of the family and I am sure you will have a blast.

  3. Hi Alex!
    Ephesus is so interesting! Thanks for sharing. I love your animated blog.

    Can i suggest that the slide speed is slowed down? I’m not a speed reader like you and your mummy .

    Hope you’re enjoying live history lessons on your epic sailing journey.

    Auntie Michelle

  4. Great video Alex! It’s Oscar. Hope to see you all soon. I loved seeing the ancient ruins because I love History! I also saw the ancient ruins in Athens, Greece. See you all soon!

    1. hi, Oscar thank you for liking my project I really appreciate it. oh and I’m also making a project for the temple of apollo, and also if you have time check that one out, but it’s not done yet.

      Alex 🙂

  5. Wow Alex. That’s so interesting. I have always wanted to visit Ephesus, since I studied Classics, first at school and later at university.
    Do you know that Homer, who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, the book that Daddy bought you before you left, was born on the Island of Chios, which is about 80 NW of Ephesus. You must ask Capt. Morgan to show you on his chart.

  6. Hi Alex
    You and Arabella are busy little bees and putting some great work together!
    We look forward to the updates !
    Lots of love darlings

  7. Hi Alex,
    We just watched your Ephesus video, great job! Hanae says “it’s so cool how the page turned into a bird!”
    We also watched the video on octopus(well done Arabella and Alex!). Do you think they’re really smart since they have so many brains .

    Hope you are all loving your trip. Looks amazing .
    Hanae and Heidi

  8. Hello!

    I really enjoyed your video Alex!! Aysha and Aryana also enjoyed it a lot. Keep making these awesome blogs!!

  9. Hi Alex,
    What a fabulous presentation. I can tell that you worked hard on it. I especially liked how you showed pictures of what Ephesus looks like now, as ruins, and what it might have looked like in the past when it was a vibrant city. Would you have wanted to live there?
    xo Carolyn

  10. Alex, you are the only 8 year old I know who did a project on Ephesus ruins! So glad you explained AD and BC to us

    Any white coming out from your front teeth yet?

    Love aunty Elkie

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