Today I woke up ready to start my birthday! The sound of Alex’s iPad woke me up. Margaux( my friend) was calling me. I talked to her for a minute or two then Alex told me that she stayed up until 12 o’clock setting up a present clue hint for my birthday! I started excited and confident to find my present(s). I scanned through the first clue quickly, it was quite easy. My gifts were AMAZING! I got JBL headphones, a pink and teal emotion octopus stuffy, a really aesthetic diary( that I’m writing this in), an incredibly cute small toiletry bag with lots of pockets and space to fill my things in. It also came with a small clear bag with 3 bottles and 2 circular containers. Last but not least, I got a really pretty swimsuit bikini set that had blue cherry blossoms on them I loved my presents! Daddy made cloud egg for breakfast, it also included bacon which I love. After breakfast, I got a call from Navya. We talked and talked and I even taught her a card trick. During the call, my mom told me there was something urgent! I rushed upstairs with a puzzled expression? It was a surprise zoom meeting with all of my friends, Eloise, Navya, Margaux, Pella, and even Fiona( my friend from Shanghai)! I was so happy! We talked and talked for so long until I had to leave for lunch. I begged for crepes with Nutella for lunch in the Mykonos town and I surprisingly got a yes! I ate and I ate, it was scrumptious! Afterward, I had frozen Greek yogurt( fro yo) and it tasted just like Portofino’s frozen yogurt, YUM! Afterward, we walked around the small alleys looking at the beautiful shops there. I bought a really pretty white long dress in one of the shops, I’m wearing it as I’m writing this. We walked all the way to the waterfront where we stopped for a drink, I picked orange juice. After we finished our drinks, we walked back up to where we started because there was a restaurant that we thought we’d like. Over there were menus with dishes where you had to look away from them so that you wouldn’t soak up the paper with drool. The people were so nice one of them even taught me to catch flies with my hands! I tried many times but I missed badly. Right when we were leaving they gave me a birthday cake that was vanilla and chocolate mix, DELICIOUS! When we left we headed straight home because it was starting to get late. I went home and had one of the best sleeps ever.

Hi Arabella
So happy you got to speak with your friends on your birthday. Thanks to technology that you can keep in touch wherever you are.
What a lovely day you had and bravo to Alex in decorating the boat and setting up treasure hunt for your birthday gifts. She is a great sister and she loves you very much.
I was nodding to and loving what you wrote….
“Over there were menus with dishes where you had to look away from them so that you wouldn’t soak up the paper with drool’ That’s my foodie neice!
Aunty Elkie