My favorite Mediterranean country! 

By Alexandra Horsfield

Greece is my favorite Mediterranean country! The reason we went to the Mediterranean or known as the heroes’ journey as what the ancient Greeks called it, is because we tried escaping covid. We thought we could sail all the way around the world, starting in the Mediterranean, at turkey. From Hong Kong we flew to Istanbul turkey, Bodrum. We sailed to the Ionian islands, Greece, to Italy, and sailed to Corsica which is part of France. From there we went to Cartagena in Spain, Gibraltar, which is the end of the Mediterranean.

The first thing I love about Greece is their Greek mythology. It’s so interesting about the Greek gods and their outstanding lives. Here’s a quick list of the big six. Zeus, King of all Gods, he owns the Heavens and the Sky. Hades, King of the Dead. Poseidon, King of the Sea. Hera, Queen of all Gods, Goddess of Marriage. Demeter, Goddess of Crops. Hestia, Goddess of Family, these are all the greatest Olympian Gods. Yet my favorite must be Athena. If you want to learn more about her, you can go to my other blog about Athena! In there you can learn all about Athena!

The ancient buildings were one of my favorite things about Greece. Olympia is my favorite, especially the echo room! Before we got there, we stopped by a store. The man gave us a V.R headset which showed us how it looked like before. Besides the Olympia, I also enjoyed the temples. The first temple I went to, was the Temple of Apollo (Apollo has a lot of temples, because in the past everyone wanted to know their future), but this temple was in turkey, not in Greece. But there are still a lot of temples of Apollo’s in Greece.

Athenian Parthenon has such an amazing backstory! The king of Aktiki (what Athens was named before) who was half snake. asked Athena and Poseidon to come and give them gifts. the king would choose the best gift, and whoever’s gift that was the best, he would name Aktiki after them. Poseidon struck his trident into a rock, and salt water began flowing showing wealth and power. Athena struck her spear into the same rock Poseidon struck his trident into to, suddenly an olive tree appeared resembling peace and quiet. The king without a second thought, immediately choose Athena, and the city was chosen to be called Athens. Poseidon couldn’t control his anger and threw a massive tsunami over Athens. Everyone screamed and shouted for help, and of course began running for their lives! Athena knew she had to stop her uncle from destroying Athens. Quickly ran up to Olympus and demanded Zeus to stop Poseidon from damaging Athens. Since Athena was Zeus’s favorite child, he agreed and flew over to Poseidon and demanded him to stop. Of course, since Zeus was the king, Poseidon stopped. The king thanked Athena for saving his kingdom and made the Athenian Parthenon!

The islands in Greece were the amazing. Especially Milos since just one volcano made a massive island. I just loved jumping off the sand cliffs in Milos! But my favorite island in the whole Mediterranean, is probably Mykonos. This island has so many fun things you can do, like beach clubs! the one I don’t go to are the night clubs, I guess it’s probably for adults.

When I went to Greece the people mostly wore normal clothes, like a normal t shirt and some pants. Otherwise, some girls would wear a dress with gold string at the top of the dress, but the clothes I admire the most is their ancient clothes, their togas!

Their religion was the Olympians gods but nowadays they believed in Jesus Christ and other gods, I do not know. But there are still a lot of tourists in the temples!

Greece probably has the warmest water ever! It’s like a massive swimming pool! It even has one or two underwater volcanoes! When we went swimming, I touched the volcanos bubbles! It had a strange sensation, I thought the bubbles were going through my hand, well, I still think that.

Greek houses are all different, round, square. Most of them are white and blue, and if not, they are normally colorful! But in Mykonos their houses are just white blocks with short domed roof! Most of the other houses in Greece, that are not in Mykonos are white and blocky with a blue domed roof.

When we went to Greece, we ate Kabab (gyros), we also ate octopus, baklava, Greek salad and saganaki cheese. All the food are so good. But Greece is most famous for their olives, kalamata black olives, are Greece’s most famous olives. They are in deep dark shade of purple. They are also my favorite types of olives! Kalamata olives has a source of fiber, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin A. They also have magnesium, phosphorous and potassium and vitamin B.

When I heard that we were supposed to write about the Mediterranean, I got super excited and immediately choose Greece. Probably because it is my favorite country in the Mediterranean, and in the whole entire world! Just writing it makes me remember all the fun things I did there. Learning about Greek mythology is probably my favorite thing in the world, besides reading. I recommend everyone to go there, with your friends with your family, even by yourself it’s still an amazing place to go. The place you should really go to in Greece is the Olympia ancient ruins, and don’t forget to get those cool V.R headsets!

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