My first Hamam (Turkish bath)

By Alexandra

In Kalkan, we got settled into a hotel called the Pirat hotel by the marina.  Across the street was the Pirat Hotel ll. All of the fun things were opened there except the suites, so we had to stay at the first Pirat hotel.  After dinner, we went to the Pirat hotel ll to go to the Turkish bath!

What is the space like?

It is a big room with a huge stone table in the middle, and some sinks and a shower and another small room for a sauna.

Who joined the bath?

Arabella ( my older sister), Azania (my younger sister), my mom and I

What is the process?

Step 1: we went to a locker room and change into a towel.

Step 2: we went to the bath and lie on the big stone table.  A Turkish lady used a scrub and scrub our body to get the dead skin off your body.  There is a lot of dead skin!!   By the way you must be naked, so I recommend to do the Turkish bath with your family members.

Step 3: then they washed our bodies and this is the fun part.  The Turkish lady uses a bag to make ginormous bubbles and put all over us  You can do DIY bubbles and you will need abag and I will teach you next how to make it.  She also massaged us which was amazing!

Step 4: shampoo your hair to make it soft.

Step 5: you are done!

What  do you like most about Turkish bath?

About the massive bubbles there were.

What do you think of a Turkish bath?

I think it is an outstanding experience, and after the bath it was like I was so smooth.


Time to teach you to make a bubble bag:

Take a thin bag (I would use your t shirt. ) then add a small bar of soap into it.

Then make your bag wet and blow into it and then close it and then shake it.  Slide your hand down the bag and squeeze, and a bunch of bubbles will appear.



8 thoughts on “My first Hamam (Turkish bath)”

  1. Hi Alex
    You first Hamam sounded like a great experience! It’s so cold here at the moment it would be wishful thinking to have a warm sauna and massage! Glad you are having so many wonderful experiences! Thank you for sharing.

  2. How did you feel afterwards? Clean? Relaxed? Refreshed?
    It sounds very relaxing and as William says want and cosy – something we missing with all this cold right now.
    Thanks for sharing x

  3. Hi Alex
    I love hamam too, I went to the oldest haman in Istanbul (capital city of Turkey) years ago and it was not as nice as the one you went to. The Instanbul hamam was quite dark and the entrance was located on the main street where there were a lot of shops. Apparently the shops got developed years after the hamam existed.

    Remember the time we went to the spa in Shanghai? They offer scrubbing service too but you were too young to get a scrub. Glad you got to experience the joy and the lightness from a body scrub did you feel like a baby with super smooth skin after?

  4. Hi Alex,
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience of having a body scrub at the Hamam spa with your mum and your sisters.
    In Shanghai years ago, your mum and I, auntie Elkie and auntie Michelle used to go to and have regular body scrubs at local spas. We loved how our skin felt after having all the dead skin removed. We would then have really relaxing body massages or foot massage.
    I look forward to you showing me how to make the bubbles.
    Lots of love,
    auntie Thelma

  5. Hi Alex,
    I have not been to a Hamam yet so I learnt a lot from your post! Sounds like a really fun experience! I’ll ask my Mom and sister to join me for one.

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