1 ocean (Pacific Ocean)
2 boats (Arabella & Dragonfly)
3 times we crossed equator during passage
4 changes of time zone
4.2 knot strongest current
5 sails ( Main Sail, Genoa, Gib, Genicker, Parasail)
6 flying fish landed inside the cockpit
7 crew (Grant, Delphine, Arabella, Little Alex, Azania, Big Alex & Apple)
8 things broken
9 times watching Moana
10 books Alex read
12 times it rained
13 ropes
13.7 knots highest boat speed
15 shooting stars seen by crew
16 days passage
18 cinnamon rolls
23 drawings
36 knots strongest wind
40 fish cakes made
45 flat bread eaten
46 meals cooked
52 cookies made
72 Rice Krispie treats
73 suicide squid on our deck
80 conversations on the radio
90 dolphins seen
108 Eggs consumed
225 flying fish on deck
3290 nautical miles sailed
1,000,000 memories