Our thoughts on the ARC experience

By Arabella & Alex

What are your favorite memories and experiences of your ARC journey? 


  1. bodysurfing in the Atlantic!
  2. catching the blue Marlin (biggest Marlin)!
  3. beating Arabella in backgammon!
  4. Playing games with Arabella


  1. Swimming in the Atlantic Ocean.
  2. Catching a blue marlin.
  3. Playing Backgammon.
  4. Watching movies.
  5. Making trading cards.
  6. Seeing wildlife.
  7. Baking & Cooking.

What do you like about being at sea for so many days?

Alex:  I get to use the Nintendo! EXTRA COKE AND ICE CREAM!

Arabella: You get to see so much wildlife.

What don’t you like about being at sea for so many days?

Alex: no friends,  no wi-fi, no communication, NO YUMMY CANDY!

Arabella: Not being able to contact or see friends, having limited supplies of snack and having bad watermaker water.

What was your happiest moment?

Alex: just now when I went on photo booth on mommy’s laptop and Arabella saw me and we got distracted on our work (what I am doing) and made funny collages and movies and other funny stuff!

Arabella: Catching the blue marlin & swimming on a hot day in the Atlantic Ocean

What was the saddest moment?

Alex:  no sad moments

Arabella: When the parasail broke

What was the scariest moment?

Alex:  when the paresail broke ( 1st and the second time)

Arabella: When the parasail broke and when there was a big squall

What have you learnt from this ARC journey?

Alex: I learnt that reading is the best way to past time

Arabella: Having a sail break is really scary


2 thoughts on “Our thoughts on the ARC experience”

  1. Dear Arabella and Alex
    This is aunty Kim.. don’t think you remember me and uncle Stewart by now.. it’s been a very long time.. we have been following your adventures..
    Indeed once a lifetime opportunity.. bet both of you learn and grow so much each day.. doing thing and seeing things you never thought you could or existed .. life is an adventure and you both have been so brave and grown so much.. xoxo can’t wait to hear all your adventures in person soon.. we pray for all your safety each day.. lastly wishing you both a great Christmas and and bigger great 2022!!! Big hugs aunty kim & hugs from uncle S2

  2. Alex and Arabella

    Proud of you both for how brave you both are and making the most of this amazing journey.

    We hope to see you soon ( as soon as China allows re-entry for foreign children )

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