Swordfishing in the Straits of Messina

By Grant

Massive bucket list item for me. In 2019 when we sailed through the straits i saw these incredible fishing boats. The are around 23m long with an amazing 40m bowsprit and 35m mast with a birdnest of sorts at the top. The idea is the captain and a spotter sit in the birdsnest around 40m above the water and look for Swordfish which are forced up by the unique and incredible currents which are formed in the Straits. Swordfish like to live in very deep waters. Sometimes over 1km below the surface. In the Messina straits Swordfish will come to the surface for finding a mate and also when they are forced up by the current. When the spotter spots one from his perched position the captain will drive the boat so the bowsprit will go over the fish before being spooked by the boat. At this moment the harpooner will through his spear and snare the fish. What a few clips of the whole thing below.

Nino and Jorgonmo were the most incredible hosts and i had such an incredible time. They invited me back the next day with the promise i could do the harpooning but alas we must move on.

We also caught two sunfish which feels quite sad as they are beautiful fish but a fishermen must eat to. And wow they are very tasty. Nothing like any other fish i have ever eaten.


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