4 thoughts on “Top 10 interesting Gods, Goddesses, Nymphs and Heroes”

  1. Hi Alex,
    That is so interesting. I started studying Greek and Roman Myths and Legends when I was about your age, and then, continued studying Ancient Greek history at University. One small suggestion. Try not to use the American pronunciation of their names. At University I was fortunate to have a Greek Lecturer in my Classics Class. For example I learned Circe is pronounced “Sir-See”. See if that makes a difference. Now that you know about Paris and Helen, you should try and look up more about the Trojan Wars.
    Couple of questions for you today.
    We still use the term “Achille’s Heel” in everyday speech. Can you explain why and what it means today?
    We also use the term “Trojan Horse” in modern day English. Can you explain why we do this and what it means today?
    I am so envious of you trawling around all these ancient historical sites. I would love to be with you all.
    Now if you are going to Italy you will have to brush up on your Ancient Roman Gods.
    Well done for the very interesting blog. Keep up the good work.

    1. Achille’s heel is a saying of your weak spot and Achille’s mom was hold his heel to carry on river styes so that was not wet.

      Trojan horse means getting into your enemies secured place, just like how the Trojans bought the horse into behind city walls and troy burnt.

      Thank you for the question and I don’t say the gods in the roman way, they say Aphrodite as Venus, Hephaestus as Vulcan and Zeus as Jupiter

      Xox Alex

  2. Hi Alex,
    I can tell that you put a lot of work into your project and that you learned a lot! Has your list of 10 favourite Greek gods, goddesses, nymphs, and heroes changed since you started travelling around Greece?
    xo Carolyn

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