Waking Up

By Arabella

Waking up is like a gentle awakening from the realm of dreams and into the embrace of reality.

The soft touch of sunlight illuminates the hotel room, casting a gentle glow upon my slumbering world. The rhythmic inhales and exhales of breath mark the return of life, a new day. A sleepy yawn, the stretch of stiff limbs and the world outside beckons for me to come out and enjoy this wonderful and sunny day.

Who am I kidding. Waking up is like hell on earth.

The sunlight peeking behind the curtains shining straight into my eye, temporarily blinding me. My alarm clock beeping in the morning abruptly waking me up from my restful sleep making me feel groggy and grumpy waking everybody in the world up except for me. Oh how i hate getting up in the morning.

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